Fisherman's Walk bandstands were attracting ever greater crowds, and the repertoire was increased significantly from Bandmaster Mountain's 50 to over 114 items by 1961. Band songs and timbrel displays were now regularly featured and attractive glossy brochures were produced to include details of band history and personnel. Each programme concluded with the benedictory song Oh how good to trust my heavenly father.
Summer openairs came under much scrutiny from holidaymakers and a photograph taken of the band on one such occasion was published in the Musician (11th October 1952). Particular attention was drawn to the good points that it illustrated - people listening; the smart appearance of the band; careful, efficient spacing; excellent deportment; high standard of playing and impressive witness.
Monday night openairs were an important summertime engagement, often attracting large crowds - especially when General Orsborn was involved. The editor of the Musician visited Boscombe to record not only the meeting itself, but also some background of those participating in it, and this resulted in a four page spread.