Saturday, May 20th : The men appreciated the presence of the Burgomaster as they left by coach for Groningen where, on arrival, they marched through crowd lined streets to the town hall to be received by the civic authorities. Later they were the guests of the Divisional Commander for North Netherlands (Major C.A. Verviaal).
In the afternoon a festival was given at the prison and the visitors were impressed by the words of appreciation, spoken in English by one of the prisoners. Later the bandsmen marched to the Harmonic Concert hall for the evening festival attended by more than 1,000 people who comprised a most appreciative congregation. Bandsman Reg Tubbs, who has been the soprano cornet player at Boscombe for twenty four years, was the evening's soloist.
Whit Sunday May 21st : Boscombe Band appreciated more fully the meaning of the Pentecostal story this morning for, although the languages spoken differed, the Salvationists were all with one accord in one place. Major J.B. Hoevers led a powerful holiness meeting and Brigadier Bertram Wells (CO at Boscombe) gave the address. Three corps in the area united for this meeting, which commenced at 9.30am, and Groningen Congress Hall Songster Brigade took part.
The afternoon programme was presented at Leeuwarden, in Friesland, and once again the large congregation gave the visitors a warm reception. The corps band, which entertained them to tea, possesses a brigade of drums, six of its members being women, and it was good to hear them. The responsibility for the Bible messages in each programme was shared by Lt. Colonel Bramwell Mason, Brigadier Wells, Band Sergeant William Legg and Assistant Band Sergeant Cyril Taylor.
An open-air meeting in the market place, attended by several hundred people, preceded the salvation meeting, in the newly decorated hall, which commenced at eight o'clock. It was well after 10pm when the band sang the Army doxology. Major Hoevers again led the meeting, in which Leeuwarden Songster Brigade participated, and the IHQ Representative (Lt. Colonel Mason) gave the address.