Colin Lowe
1st Baritone

About Colin ...
SA bandsman since
Joined the Band
Previous Corps
Maidstone, Sittingbourne,
Barking, Shirley
Barking, Shirley
Other Corps roles
Singing Company Leader and Deputy Songster Leader at Sittingbourne, Singing Company Leader and Deputy Songster Leader at Shirley, YP Band Leader at Boscombe.
Favourite Music
Brass Bands (generally the 'heavy' stuff), orchestral (including classical, film music and some pop arrangements), vocal (including choirs, groups and soloists over a range of styles).
I retired early having previously been what was loosely described as a Systems Engineer. I enjoy a general interest in aviation, photography, tennis, painting (as in art - not decorating!) and DIY. I am married to Alison, who is the Junior Soldier Sergeant, Singing Company Pianist and a Songster and we have two children.