From a young age music has played a huge part in Jonathan's life, so much so that he went on to study for his honours degree at Plymouth University. He graduated in September 2011 with a Second Class Honours Degree (Upper Division). Jonathan moved to sunny Bournemouth in April 2012 to start a new job at the Poole Corps as the Children's & Family Worker. This job sees Jonathan being a big kid(!) but it also sees him working within the local community supporting families and working alongside them.
He oversees the children's work and enjoys this very much. In November 2013 Jonathan married Whitney and now they are both settled within the Corps. Jonathan is a member of the Songsters and also leads the Boscombe Youth Bible Study once a month. He is also seen from time to time leading both the Junior and Senior Timbrels here at Boscombe. Jonathan has a passion for music and his prayer is that the people who listen to the music and ministry of the band will come closer in a relationship with God but also that they will know who we are and what we believe.